our projects

Our Projects

Initially we are planning to increase our area of work and knowledge by all means. As now our website is in progress and all of the social media platforms are working under official Usman Yazmani’s domain the scope of work is effectively boosting our work space and providing better services to the clients.

Monthly projects

Monthly based stepand or financial aid is being delivered to the needy families under the domain of peace & light.

Distribution of books and other islamic content among the public.

Providing shelter or food for the sake of help and support to the people.

These are running projects.

One prominent project achieved by peace & light was the installation of clean drinking water pumps in the remote areas where availability of water was poor , is done and made effectively working by our Team.


We are planning to start our courses in Healing studies and psychology behind the treatment methodology.

Moreover the Quranic sessions are also being launched along with the syllabus specified for Ruqiya and spiritual healings and therapy.